Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Is the Cost of a Degree Actually Worth It?

Obtaining a bachelor degree qualification can certainly be a positive step towards an enjoyable and successful career but it has significant educational costs that need to be considered. How does the investment in your education actually pay off in the long run financially? This article looks at how the numbers stack up.

Firstly, we must look at online bachelor degree costs. The direct cost of education can range anywhere from $2000 to $30,000 a year at some high profile private schools. But for the purpose of this article we are going to use an average figure of $6,600 per year plus another $1000 per year for textbooks and supplies which brings us to $7600 per year. For a 4 year course the total cost is $30,400. Lets round that down to $30,000 to keep it simple.

The direct cost of the education is not the main expense however. The major cost (which is not always considered) is the additional cost (or income loss) of the student not working full time while studying. By choosing to go to college or university to obtain a degree the student's ability to get a start in his or her chosen career is delayed by a minimum of four years. With this in mind the additional cost of lost income could easily add up to over $100,000 while you are studying for your bachelors degree. For the sake of this article lets use $80,000 or $20,000 per year.

This gives us a total online bachelor degree cost of $110,000. Quite significant money indeed. But does it pay off?

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics recently published data showing that during the first quarter of 2008 full time professionals with bachelors degrees earned a median weekly salary of $1,108 while workers who only had high school diplomas earned a median weekly salary of $615. However I believe this does not give a true indication of the earnings increase the degree actually contributed to as in general the type of people who earn degrees would probably earn an above average wage with or without the degree. So for this discussion I will increase the non-degree income by 50% to account for this which equates to a weekly income of $922.

On this basis the degree holders earn on average an additional $186 per week or an annual increase of $9672. So without taking into account other factors such as taxation and inflation it would take 11 years and 4 months for the initial online bachelor degree cost to be covered by the increased earning potential it provides. Over the average working lifespan of 40 years the degree would have earned an additional $386,880. This is more than three times the additional cost!

Based on this, it is clear that obtaining a degree certainly does pay off financially. However it is also important to remember that education has many other benefits that will enrich your life. These benefits are discussed further in our article titled "Bachelor Degrees - Are Bachelor Degrees really worth it?" at our career, education and training website

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Why You Should Invest In Online Bachelor Degrees And Accelerated Distance Education Courses

Recent economic changes have made almost all industries in the world today more competitive, more demanding and truly dynamic. If you want to excel in any business environment, it's important that your knowledge and capacities are up to date with the highest global standards. Having a bachelor's degree or a regular college degree is a standard requirement for getting a foot in the door of the most in-demand work positions; in some disciplines, an advanced post-graduate degree is likewise essential to get that much-coveted post or that promotion that you've worked so hard to earn. More than ever, continuous education and constant skill updates are needed for professionals to succeed in their fields today.

Working full time, however, puts limitations on how your time and energies are spent. Going back to school to take advanced courses can be unrealistic when you're also swamped with day-to-day work commitments - that is, if you continue to think of school in the traditional sense, where everything happens inside the four walls of the classroom. Thanks to advancements in technology, time, distance and other logistical constraints shouldn't stop you from further pursuing your goals. Today's leading distance learning programs offer more choices, from online bachelor's degrees and master's degrees to PhD and doctoral programs. By enrolling in courses that online educational institutions offer, you can juggle work and school duties without sacrificing your performance and participation in both areas.

Online courses allow you to study and complete school requirements at your own pace and schedule. You can sign up for fast online degrees to get certificates for special month-long courses, or get a four-year course finished within two years. When you apply for fast online degrees, expect a relatively more demanding workload, as the course contents are condensed and made to fit within a shorter time frame. It's important to have a smart time management strategy in place to ensure you'll get the focus you need and you'll get the most out of your accelerated online degrees.

You don't have to worry about the long wait if you go for a regular four-year course, either. A lot of courses designed by leading distance education schools have a special focus on the practical component of the lessons, allowing you to apply what you learned immediately in your line of work. The important thing is to carefully compare the pros and cons of accelerated and regular courses, and choose the set up that you think will be more aligned with your schedule and workload.

With the new skills, knowledge, and tools you acquire every day, don't be surprised if you can already see your professional goals within easy reach. You may already be in the professional arena, but in the end, it's the diligence, hard work and commitment of a student that will take you where you want to go.

If you're interested to pursue your education while working in the corporate world, you can visit for information on online courses and accelerated bachelor degrees.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Factors To Assist You To Complete Your Online Based Degree Course

Accomplishing a college degree in an online based education course is notably faster compared with a state university or college. Reportedly, these internet based education programs were made and developed for the individuals which are desirous to earn and finish a college degree but just cannot acquire them on state universities due to inevitable purposes.

In order to flourish in an internet based degree program, here are among the things you will likely need and some tactics to help make your web learning more convenient;

Like any other universities, online schools also have their very own set of qualifications which a student must have to be able to enrol in a particular internet based course. E . g ., if you'd like to enrol in an web based degree program in the industry of health care and medicine, then a high school graduation degree as well as experience in clinical or health care work is generally necessary, although in some circumstances, web-based classes require the completion of certain healthcare and biological subjects.

On one hand, if you wish to enroll in a 4-year college degree course, then you certainly must get prepared for more precise prerequisites. Commonly, these web based learning websites requires the student to be at least 18 years old, not to mention, complete with high school diploma or degree along with other documents. There can also be some cases, particularly if you are enrolling in special courses, that they'll require experience in the related field. And some may also require a minimum grade point average or GPA from your marks in high school. For more information about the program you can visit our website.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Reasons Why People Should Pursue A Good Edcation

Education is considered the basic needs that a father or mother have to provide to their children. people who have been educated have better chances of obtaining a pretty good employment compared to those who have not finished even high school. But yet we simply cannot deny the fact that there are parents who simply cannot send their children to school for many reasons.

1. Family issues- Several youngsters are struggling to attend school merely because members of the family aren't able to see the need to reach out to them. While some need to quit schooling to be able to take care of a sick family member. You may possibly not be aware of it however , this is really transpiring in today's world; parents being cared for of their their kids. Although, it's against the law for kids to work and not attend school there are actually cases when these things transpire.

2. Early Parenthood - is also a major cause of a person not being able to go school. The number of teenagers becoming pregnant is growing more each and every year. Based on a study performed recently, 15% of the high school dropout rate between youth is a result of teen motherhood. These figures should however decline to about 4% in average. Good to know for sure that there are several universities that cater to assist pregnant and mothering youth.

3. Financial issues- with the economy constantly going up and down it's always tough for most families to send their kids to school. In fact, 2 out of 5 out of school youth have financial trouble that is the reason why the rate of out of school youth keeps growing every year.

If you're one of those people who are unable to attend school or a father or mother who was unable to send your children to college, then worry no more. With the existence of the online education programs you can easily deal with that issue.

Online education is generally necessary for both the parents and the teens who want to obtain a college degree. Listed here are the advantages of taking an online education:

1. Be able to learn at home- for people who have a laptop and an internet access you'll certainly be able to obtain that degree that you've always been yearning. This is simply great for those students who are pregnant as well as who have kids and don't want to go back to a regular school.

2. Have the capacity to manage your own schedule- the nice thing about online education is that you simply are able to manage your time. Study at your own pace.

If you wish to earn a degree without neglecting your other responsibilities, devote in online education.

If you are looking to find even more advice about bachelors degree courses online or even a directory of the quickest bachelors degrees on the market don't hesitate to check out our site

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Is An Online Degree Program The Best Option For You?

If you desire to accomplish a college certification program without jeopardizing your time to your loved ones and career, then participating in a web based diploma course may be the best option for you. In these days, with the advancement of technologies, anyone can practically complete a college degree without needing to go into schools or universities. Through the help of web-based courses and classes, which is totally performed over the internet, anybody can openly control their time between school and other things.

Mentioned below are the various benefits of participating in online classes, so you can comprehend the positive effects that it would give you;

* Time Management

Enjoying a adaptable daily schedule along with the capability to open-handedly manage your time is certainly the most important benefit you would have through taking online classes. The thing is, through taking online classes, you would not really need to show up in a regular classroom along with regular students and classmates. Online classes are done by means of listening to audio records, videos, along with other computer and internet media. And lastly, this can be achieved, anytime of the day you desire.

With this, you will understand that by enrolling in an internet based degree course, you are going to actually have the liberty to control your time and schedule.

* Comfortable Access

We are all aware that colleges aren't accessible to everybody. Actually, most university students in a college come from adjoining states and country or even farther. That is why; most of these students have to move out of their homes to be able to dwell nearer in their universities.

The good news is, with internet diploma and certification courses, anywhere and however farther a student can be, he or she can easily study and finish a college degree, provided that he/she possesses a pc with an internet connection.

* Lower Prices and Expenses

Everyone knows that college education requires a a large funding. Many parents even save up college funds from the time their child is born - envision the amount of money one needs to be able to acquire a college degree in a standard university.

In on-line schools, you will notice that educational costs are so less costly compared to standard colleges. Furthermore, on-line students wouldn't be concerned concerning text book, along with other academic tools because, in an online class, students will simply have to download everything needed completely from the internet.

* Speed

Another excellent good thing about taking online classes is that; you will be the one to set the speed on when will you be able to finish your course. As I have mentioned, online classes have a very adaptable schedule, one could actually attend courses anytime. Therefore, should you have a lot of extra time and invest it with your online classes, then you'll undoubtedly be able to reduce the time to your graduation. When compared with regular colleges, which has a permanent timeline for completion in their programs, online classes have the tendency to be more time efficient.

* Plenty of Selections

There are a variety of different kinds of diploma programs being offered in different on line educational institutions. Students can certainly take time and select the perfect course that will match their needs as well as their interests. Business managements, social sciences, information and computer management or programming are just a some of the program selections.

In summary, web based diploma courses and online schools are really suited in today's hectic schedules and challenges. Middle-aged people who didn't attain a university diploma because of their past priorities can now go back to school without getting shy or embarrassed. Additionally, career oriented pros who want progress by having additional degree can now properly balance their schedule for their occupations and education.

If you are wanting to find further facts about an online bachelor degree program or possibly a list of the easiest online degrees you can get today feel free head over to our web page Job Training Place

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Practical Guidelines in Succeeding In An Web-based Program

Finishing a degree in an online based learning program is much quicker compared to a state college or university. Clearly, all of these internet based learning programs were created and developed for individuals that are desirous to earn and complete a degree but just can't acquire them on state universities due to unavoidable reasons.

So that you can accomplish your education in an online learning program, this short article will provide you with significant tips and instructions to help you in your search for college certification.

Similar to other schools, internet based schools likewise have their own set of qualifications that a student must have in order to enrol in a specific web-based program. E . g ., if you'd like to enrol in an internet based diploma program in the industry of healthcare and medicine, then a high school graduation degree as well as experience in clinical or medical work is typically mandatory, however in some circumstances, web-based classes require the finishing of certain medical and biological subjects.

Regarding online college diploma courses, requirements are often more specific when compared to those web-based certificate courses. Other than high school graduation, work experiences, and the completing of specific subjects, majority online classes require the student to be no less than Eighteen yrs . old. In some instances, web-based schools may need a minimum grade point average in high school.

And then for higher education degrees like masters and doctorate, the usual necessity for admission is the evidence of completion, say, a diploma of the lower degree of the particular subject. To expand this, one could only obtain a master's degree if she or he has already achieved a bachelor's degree. Then one can go up to a doctorate degree if and only if she or he has a master's degree already.

Thus far, keeping in mind the things above will probably shorten the hassles and also gaps you may experience in signing up for internet based degree courses. Although, there'll always be those cases when they would demand a lot more things from you, besides the things already mentioned.

Now as for the guidelines to enable you to flourish in an online course, be sure to keep in mind the things in the next paragraphs;

*Effective and efficient utilization of time - should you haven't noticed yet, enrolling in online degree programs basically enables you to manage your daily schedule. With online diploma programs, you wouldn't need to adhere to schedules in your classes. All of the training can be carried out at your own pace. If you're earning a living, you'll be able to appropriately separate your schedule between your online classes and your job without risking the two. This way, you'll be able to take track of everything, and in no time, you'll be able to achieve that degree.

* Find the suitable web based school - Internet learning sites and institutions are rapidly improving in number, one could surely have an ocean of selections in selecting web-based schools. Regrettably, you will discover internet based learning web sites which aren't truly good at delivering education, in addition to, not being certified. If you want to reach your goals in your future career, you'll need to invest in a learning institution which will educate you the important points that you will be using in your long term career. Find the online learning institution which is licensed by the education agency or department, has a deep history of profitable graduates, as well as a clear and comprehensive policy for their students.

* Drive and Commitment Lastly, in an web-based education environment, you will have absolutely no live seatmates, no live teachers, no chairs or table. You simply won't have your common educational setting, for this reason, it is very important to maintain oneself concentrated and inspired in hitting your main goal - to complete the degree.

If you are looking for additional details about an online bachelors degree or a selection of the cheapest degree courses take the time to have a look at our site Job Training Place

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Online Education Is A Great Choice

Education is one of the basic needs which the parent should provide to their kids. Children who have been schooled have better chances of getting a good employment than others who have not completed even high school. But yet we simply cannot deny the fact that there are parents who simply cannot send their children to college for a lot of reasons.

1. Family issues- Some kids are struggling to go to school merely because family members are not able to see the need to reach out to them. While others need to quit schooling as a way to care for a sick family member. You may possibly not be aware of it however this is unquestionably transpiring in today's world; parents being cared for of their their children. Despite the fact that, it is illegal for children to work and not attend school there are certainly cases when these things transpire.

2. Early Parenthood - is another major reason for a person not being able to go school. The number of teenagers having a baby keeps growing more each and every year. Based on a study done lately, 15% of the high school dropout rate among youth is brought on by teen pregnancies. These numbers ought to however decrease to about 4% in average. Good to learn that there are many schools that cater to serve pregnant and mothering students.

3. Financial issues- with the economy constantly going up and down it is tough for most families to send their children to school. The truth is, 2 out of 5 out of school youth have financial problems and that is why the rate of out of school youth keeps growing annually.

If you happen to be among those individuals who are unable to attend school or perhaps a father or mother who was not able to send your children to school, then worry no more. With the existence of the online education programs you can definitely correct that matter.

With web-based education system the amazing benefits are endless. To state a few:

1. Be able to learn at home- for people who have a pc as well as an internet connection you will for sure be able to get that degree that you have always been yearning. This is just excellent for those students who are with child or perhaps who have children and do not wish to return to a regular school.

2. Have the ability to organize your own schedule- the good thing about online education is that you are able to organize your time. Study at your own pace.

If you need to get a degree not having overlooking your other responsibilities, devote in online education.

If you are looking to find additional advice about a bachelor degree online or a list of the fastest college degrees on the market take the time to have a look at our webpage